Lemon Polenta Cake Slices
I'll admit it; I love a small slice of cake with an afternoon cuppa on a chilly day... who doesn't?!
This recipe was an accidental success that I hashed together one day when I was craving lemon drizzle but didn't have all the ingredients. Happily, it was speedier to make and worked a treat so I decided to share it for you to enjoy, too! These Lemon Polenta Cake Slices are buttery and light with a deliciously grainy sugar crumb. I had no lemons in the house but a scoop of Lemon Cheesecake Efectiv Whey in the mix adds delicate lemon flavour and an added sneaky serve of protein... which is never a bad thing! Just goes to show... where there's a will, there's a whey!
Serves 10
100g salted butter
100g light brown sugar. Plus a little extra for dusting
2 medium eggs
50g polenta
50g self raising flour
1 scoop (30g) Efectiv Lemon Cheesecake Whey
Preheat the oven to 150c (fan assisted) and line a square tray (approx 8”) with baking paper.
Place all the ingredients into a large mixing bowl and beat vigorously until everything is well combined.
Pour into the lined tray, levelling out with the back of a spoon. Add a light dusting of light brown sugar over the top.
Place on the middle shelf and bake for 30 minutes (do not open the oven whilst baking).
Once ready, allow to cool. Slice once horizontally through the middle and then four times vertically to create 10, perfectly sized slices.
I use Efectiv Nutrition Whey. Order with code FBM10 for 10% off whey protein and other supplements at EfectivNutrition.com